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Blase Dillman

No Left Turn

One of the last conversations I had with my Dad was about the Second World War. He had been part of Operation Tidal Wave, a low-level bombing mission that flew August 1, 1943.

Their goal that day was to destroy or severely restrict Nazi oil production so the Nazi military could not function. By their own admission, the leadership of the Army Air Corp. expected this mission would likely be a death sentence. I remember a quote from one of the Generals stating, "Coming home today is secondary to destroying the target."

For me, that begged a little clarification from my Dad. "So you guys knew you weren't supposed to come home? Why did you do it?"

"It had to be done. Hitler and the Nazis were evil, and they wanted to take over the world. We had no choice but to fight."

"Why would you be willing to die?" I asked. "You knew you weren't supposed to come home. And you still went. Why? Was it something for you?"

"No. It was for you. So you could live in freedom. It was so all the people and all the other kids in the future could live in a country that was free."

I'm not as brave as my Dad, or even my Brother, David, who fought in Vietnam. I am so proud of them. And humbled at the same time. And in each of them, I am reminded of my birthright and my responsibility--to stand up for all our freedoms--certainly hard fought.

Today, there are those who seek to take away our freedoms. They seek to take away freedoms under the banner of political correctness. They alone seek to dictate what is and what isn't appropriate to think or to say.

It is certainly our choice to do nothing, to say nothing, to show nothing and for that matter, be nothing! I think the politically correct are counting on just that.

I think it's time to let them know how we feel.

I may not be going to war and I don't expect to die. I do expect to be Doxed or Swatted (look up those terms if you are unfamiliar) because that's what the politically correct do to help you 'see it their way'. I hope it doesn't come to that but I am ready. This is my time.

Too many men and women have given everything for our freedoms.

Let the world know...Stand Strong for America. No Left Turn!

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